Sunday, May 20, 2012

Disjointed Healthcare

As a nurse actively working in the community assisted families on a daily basis you would think that I had seen it all by now. Yet almost every day now a new type of case crosses my path and leaves me questioning how we can better help families deal with the trauma of major healthcare changes happening in places like the emergency room. It is why I have the company that I do. While all the answers may not lie at my feet I honestly know our company is one of if not the only that is the closest to the answer. 

Why, you ask? Just this week end I received an emergency room call where a daughter has come into town worrying about her mom who has been living with a room mate and has reportedly not been herself. She is confused and wandering the home she lives in completely lost. The daughter, not sure what to do brings her in to the closest emergency room wondering if they can help her get care. 

Our company receives the call to help with placement. Questions are going through my nurse brain such as, is this sudden? Have they tested her for an infection and several other clinical concerns. To protect the identity of the case I can't answer those questions here but I will say that after several interviews between case manager, physician and myself with the family it was determined there was more to the story. I jokingly told the social worker that our job is often not that of a clinician but that of a private investigator. Trying to find all the clinical pieces to the puzzle to help this daughter make the next right decision for her mother in a week end trip. NO pressure at all.

Becoming the private investigator that solves the case by fitting the pieces of the puzzle together allowed this daughter some time to process her choices and safely move forward. If we could join together and help the family make a next step decision about care needs and then obtain the knowledge of experts such as our placement navigators then the disjointed would be come the totally together care system. 

Find out how CayCare, Inc uniquely joins healthcare together with the Chart Your Course program @ 
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