Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Why Use a Referral Agency for Your Clients? Using CayCare for Medicaid Support and Contacting Your State Representative

Referral Agency, Use of Support of Medicaid Clients and Most Importantly, Changing the Coverage Through Your Own Voice

We will discuss CayCare's process, then how we work with you and Medicaid Client and finally encouraging YOU to contact your STATE representative.
Every client that comes through your building and needs placement has many decisions to make. What would help that client make the very best decisions as much as possible the first time? Medicare really started asking that question several years ago when they discussed pay for performance, later the Affordable Care Act. 
Many care transition programs within the Aging Network are able to ... implement evidence-based care transition strategies and provide increased access to critical long-term services and supports post-discharge. -NAPGCM
Referral Agencies can really contribute to the cause of post discharge support. It may seem easy to just contact our agency but here is what those busy worker bees are doing. Come inside and take a look....
  1. First, a referral comes in to our office or the family contacts us to start the process of receiving assistance.
  2. Our Intake staff really perform a thorough intake using the basics required by the referral agency law with the addition of our clinical components to help identify any unforeseen concerns.
  3. The intake staff triage which part of the CayCare team will work with the client. We have specialists who assure the client's experience is the very best. (A client will virtually meet their Placement Navigator when the appointment is set via pictures.)
  4. An appointment to meet is set whenever possible. (The exception is with Emergency Placement and at times Medicaid Clients)
  5. The client is assisgned a Placement Navigator to meet and tour with them. Our Navigators are assigned geographical specialty areas to respond quickly and effectively. These navigators can fold in the personality and quality of life of the client along with the clinical needs making the results overall more effective. (A free service)
  6. The client is assigned an Elder Care Advisor when home care is the preference. The Elder Care Advisor will include a Family Care Plan This plan includes simple education towards caring for someone at home. (A free service)
  7. Once a facility or agency is chosen CayCare doesn't stop supporting the client. We provide Care Coordination including a Tool to the client, the facility/agency and to you. 
  8. Follow up has been developed to get results. We follow up when the clients most typically need the additional support. 
  9. Additionally, a survey to hear about the facility/agency and how they did as well as our own QA follow up allows the client to support the next client's results. We have feedback from 1000's of clients. You will see that our infrastructure has been developed from that targeted approach. 

Have a Medicaid client? We aren't just pulling a name out of a hat to give you something. We have a facility reporting system in place for openings. The facility has to be willing and able to take a client. This is why we ask for the details so we are matching reported openings to your needs. Since these clients are not often as easily placed we use strategies to support your needs without over burdening our own small department's.

Our team does research and reviews options for hundreds of clients. We provide a summary to our contacts to help them find the right place.

Make your voice is heard and tell your state representative what problems you are facing. The most difficult piece about Medicaid right now is that the facilities are filling up and there are still so many in need. We are working with other referral agencies to track the clients we are serving to hopefully make a difference in the rates facilities are compensated. This single act we hope will help the future clients we serve. We need to make your voice count as well. Please let your state representative know of the struggles you face with placement at your own job.

House Amends Budget to Address Safety Net Assessment

I wanted to take a quick moment to thank you for extraordinary work over the past two days. You generated over 1,000 email messages and countless phone calls to your legislators – and that impact paid off. The House budget proposal for FY14 was amended this afternoon in the Appropriations Committee to include safety net assessment dollars. The House plan mirrors the Senate proposal by driving dollars to direct care and the low wage earner add-on. We congratulate the Senate and the House on maximizing on existing resources to protect quality of care and access to services for the seniors we serve in skilled nursing facilities.
I wish we could say the same about assisted living Medicaid funding. Our frustration over the failure of the legislature to provide rates relief for our assisted living providers cannot dissuade us from continued and strong communication regarding this problem.
Regardless of the outcome during this supplemental budget period, you have my word that we will continue to work to identify every option for leveraging real movement on a decades-old rates impasse for our assisted living providers. -Washington Health Care Association

Contact Your House Members Today
Stand with the Governor & Senate on Seniors
We are in the final days of the 2014 legislative session -- and Governor Jay Inslee and the State Senate proposals include funding for Medicaid rates in skilled nursing facilities through the safety net assessment.
The House Budget contains no concessions for Medicaid rates for state clients in skilled nursing and assisted living centers.
Please make it a priority to communicate to your Representatives that SENIORS MATTER.

Make sure and take a moment next session. Take a stand that makes a difference.

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